Fight Crime in the World: Toronto Murder Ends W/ Us


Toronto Murder Ends W/ Us

It was quite a murderous weekend in the beautiful streets of Toronto.

Thankfully I live just down the street from one of the incidents, with a school that rests between us.  For my birthday I am asking for a tek 9 because it has so many wonderful qualities.  My favourite is the erasing of life it does.  Some say that giving is better than receiving, so I try to help both by giving murder and getting a life sentence. When I am so weak as to kill someone, as I cannot deal with it any other way, then I go to prison...wooohooo mama!!  Hope you are proud of me.  Nobody gets it, but I do, and my boys do.  This diary entry was committed to honour all of the people who have respected me.  Cause if you don't, then you get hit.  Especially if you shoulder me or give me a mean stare.  Those two are grounds for dismissal, and will result in my birthday present messing you up.  But you have to disrespect me after December 15th, ok?  Well, I am glad you see it like I do!  Murder is fun, and really helps us achieve our true potential as people.  I love the direction this city is going in! 

fyi this was clearly the opposite of how I feel. 

I am very excited by the arrest of those who potentially killed Tyrone Bracken.  The sad part being, this situation will persist, and we need to change that.

Most citizens do not know a murderer, but I imagine more and more people know someone who was murdered.  Part of my motivation for this blog is routed in that.  Two people I knew have been murdered, and although I do not know people who have been otherwise, I know that the magnitude of every single murder in toronto is grieved by many people.

Are we missing the point in life as a whole when a few inflict such pain?

I am so sick of this crap!!!!!!

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